STEP 1: Everyone Knows that Living with a Stutter isn’t Easy...
Everyone knows that living with a stutter isn’t easy...

Getting embarrassed in front of friends…

New friends plus coworkers and classmates is not fun...

Especially because a stutter is something so wildly misunderstood.

Most people don’t understand or take the time to understand the problem. Lots of people make it seem like an inconvenience or even like gaining extra weight. As if your stutter is something that can just be burned off through ‘exercise’ and then come back when you don’t control your mind or environment...

The funny thing is that I thought it was something I would live with for the rest of my life...

I can remember walking out of my speech therapy being so bummed to go into another week of weird exercise and come back with the smallest or non-existent improvements. That’s also what I have been told by the experts at a young age too. That your stutter was something that you would have to live with for the rest of your life no matter what you do...

It wasn’t until getting the right information from the right people that i really began to change my stutter and my life.

Ever since I was a kid until about the age of 20, I had been listening to people who just wanted to keep me stammering and who did not know how to truly help my speech...
When I was 20 I found my first true mentor. He had the right information too and honestly used to stammer just as bad as me. The difference was he had found a way to overcome his stutter. The secret (or whatever you choose to call it) is through public speaking. It is something I live and breath by because it was the true turning point in my speech, confidence and overall life. 

Once I got my voice right I had real certainty in my world. I knew what I wanted to say and I said it. Instead of being afraid to speak my mind or make my opinion known, I would speak without hesitation and with command. This success snowballed into more opportunity and more growth in my speaking, income and most importantly relationships. To reflect on this it is still very strange to me...

I know that for most people with a stutter their biggest fear would be to speak in front of an audience. It’s funny to me that be facing my biggest fear I also overcame my biggest struggle.

This is a principle that I have lived by since I was a young 20 something insecure college kid. Do the scary stuff. Much easier said then done but it was truly the do what scared you mentality that advanced my life. Of course I still did lots of breathing, mindset and speech techniques to help. But the overarching theme or message that I preach is to learn how to public speak and out yourself out there.

STEP 2: Apply Now for Your Free Strategy Session With Me And My Team To See If You Qualify For Our Master Your Stutter Program… 

If you feel you’re ready to become the confident speaker you desire to be,
then book your strategy session today and let’s see how we can help you reach your potential!

Today I want to write about some key principles that have not only helped me overcome my stutter…but also help me get really great results in my life. First off, I know that overcoming anything, whether it be confronting someone you love, making a cold call or speaking in front of a large audience can be totally terrifying. Despite this discomfort, pushing through the pain it is actually going to help...

Overcoming Stuttering HQ
Grimsby, Ontario
Overcoming Stuttering 
Official Daniel Francis
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